MacLeod Associates is a UK based property consultancy, offering a range of services to corporate and private investors, developers and occupiers.

Andrew MacLeod MA MRICS
Managing Partner
Andrew is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors with many years of experience dealing with all aspects of commercial and residential property.
Andrew began his career with AXA Equity and Law, where he advised on their Europe – wide investment portfolio, before moving into private consultancy with Chesterton in Central London. At Chesterton he was appointed Investment and Development Partner, with responsibility for clients in both the UK and North America. During this time he successfully concluded a number of major commercial and residential projects for clients including Legal and General Assurance and the Church Commissioners.
Andrew subsequently joined the Partnership of Bidwells, as Head of their London Office, introducing a number of corporate and private investors and developers as well as acting for many large land owners including Trinity College, Cambridge. Andrew was then invited to take on a new Lead Partner role with Bruton Knowles with responsibilities for London and the South East where he was successful in securing a number of major clients including Defence Estates, Met Police and Barratt Homes, before resigning his Partnership to establish MacLeod Associates.
Since forming MacLeod Associates Andrew has developed a Team that continues to act for clients in investment and land development, as well as those from the retail, leisure, office and industrial sectors.
Andrew has many professional interests including Membership of the Planning and Development, Personal Property and Arts Professional Groups of the RICS, whilst outside interests include Arsenal F.C; County Club, Guildford; The Kennels, Goodwood and Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club.
MacLeod Associates deliver their core services personally.
Where specialist services are required, such as from planning building or environmental consultancies, we will recommend affiliated businesses, with whom we already have working relationships and can recommend the quality of service which each can offer.